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Teithio Llesol Ynys Môn / Anglesey Active Travel logoTeithio Llesol Ynys Môn / Anglesey Active Travel

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Mae 2il gam y broses ymgynghori ar gyfer Map Rhwydwaith Teithio Llesol Ynys Môn bellach wedi dechrau.

Rydym yn eich gwahodd i edrych ar ein llwybrau cerdded a beicio arfaethedig.

Dywedwch wrthym os ydych yn cytuno ac a fyddai’r llwybrau o fudd i chi. Os na fyddent, dywedwch wrthym pa welliannau eraill sydd

eu hangen.

I Ddweud eich Dweud, ewch i:

Am rhagor o wybodaeth amdan yr ymgynghoriad, plis ymwelwch:

Posted on 15th July 2021

by Dylan Jones


The 2nd Stage of the consultation process for the Isle of Anglesey’s Active Travel Network Map is now open.

You are invited to take a look at our proposed walking and cycling routes.

Please tell us if you are in agreement and whether they will be of benefit to you.

If they will not, tell us what other improvements are needed.

To have your say, please visit:

For more information about the

consultation, please visit:

Posted on 15th July 2021

by Dylan Jones

Cyfle Olaf i Gynnig Sylwadau / Last Chance to Provide Comments

Diolch am eich ymatebion – mae dros 500 o sylwadau wedi ei derbyn hyd yma!!

Bydd yr ymgynghoriad hwn yn dod i ben hanner nos heno (sef Dydd Gwener 26 o Fawrth) ac rydym yn awyddus i weld mwy o adborth ynglŷn â gwelliannau i isadeiledd cherdded a beicio er mwyn cynyddu defnydd mewn Teithio Llesol ar draws Ynys Môn.


Thank you for your responses – over 500 comments received so far!

This consultation will close midnight tonight (Friday, 26th March) and we are eager to receive further feedback on improvements to walking and cycling infrastructure in order to increase Active Travel participation across the Isle of Anglesey.

Posted on 26th March 2021

by Dylan Jones

Nodyn Atgoffa - Reminder

Diolch am eich ymatebion – mae dros 380 o sylwadau wedi dod i law hyd yma!

Bydd yr ymgynghoriad hwn yn dod i ben hanner nos ar 26 o Fawrth ac rydym yn awyddus i weld mwy o adborth ynglŷn â cherdded a beicio (Teithio Llesol) ar gyfer Ynys Môn.


Thank you for your responses – over 380 comments received so far!

This consultation will close midnight on 26th March and we are eager to receive further feedback on walking and cycling (Active Travel) for the Isle of Anglesey.

Posted on 19th March 2021

by Dylan Jones